当在山顶大学开始的激情和技能在大学继续时,这是一件值得庆祝的事情. St. 卢克为我们的毕业生鼓掌他们将继续参加NCAA一级联赛, 二、三体育项目:



List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2022

    Thomas ArnoldLehigh跨越国家/跟踪
    Karey BalkindColbyVolleyball
    Sophie BlombergHamiltonBasketball
    Brandon Bulerin斯普林菲尔德学院Football
    Mac BusbyCornellRowing
    Aren CummingsUnionBasketball
    安德里亚DiTeodoroBowdoinField Hockey
    Ali GallTrinitySoccer
    Jessica HausmanHaverfordCross Country
    Eason JonesYaleSwimming
    Caroline LauNorthwesternBasketball
    Ben LoomisVanderbiltGolf
    Dillon MannixFranklin & MarshallLacrosse
    Matt O’ConnorTuftsFootball
    Luke Rioux石城大学Football
    Teddy TruwitDukeTennis

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2021

    Austin Andersen克莱蒙特麦肯纳Football
    Cole BryantWesleyanBasketball
    Lewis CropperKenyonBaseball
    Julia DeLucaBowdoinTennis
    Jack EllisRPIBaseball
    Ryan HigginsDukeBaseball
    Jake KavanCarnegie MellonSoccer
    James KontulisPrincetonSquash
    Julia LombardoColgateSoccer
    Dean PallasHamiltonFootball
    Justin PearlHamiltonLacrosse
    Desmond PrattSt. LawrenceSoccer
    Koy PriceBowdoinFootball
    Andrew PrioreUnionFootball
    Jeremy ReidDickinsonFootball

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2020

    Chuck ClemondsRPIBasketball
    Bear CrystalBerrySoccer
    Christian HaasSt. LawrenceFootball
    Gavin Greene新英格兰西部Basketball
    Tank IntrieriJohns HopkinsFootball
    Dylan JohnsonTuftsFootball
    Summer Klein尼克尔斯学院Basketball
    Andrew LauUnionFootball
    Mack LemkauBabsonSoccer
    Meredith MaceyGrinnellTennis
    Shamond MooreSpringfieldFootball
    Abbey O’MearaSmithField Hockey
    Lea PanagiotidisDelawareSoccer
    Lily TencicSmithSoccer
    Jackie ThompsonKenyonSoccer
    Jack TruwitWilliamsTennis
    Lexi WatsonMitchellBasketball

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2019

    Emma CropperTrinity CollegeField Hockey
    Tamia FultonBrandeisBasketball
    Mark GertsenColgateGolf
    Michael HageUniv. of RochesterFootball
    Seth KimUniv. of ChicagoFootball
    Jack MaguireColgateGolf
    Justine McGuireDartmouthRowing
    Isabel MezeiMichiganRowing
    Riley PageClarksonSoftball
    Juan RosarioUConnFootball
    Scott VollmerLehighBasketball

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2018

    Meg Adams Bucknell Crew
    Brendan Casey UConn Football
    McKenna Frank Wake Forest Basketball
    Ben Joseph Monmouth Football
    Maya Klein 普维敦斯学院 Basketball
    John Krill Conn College Water Polo
    Jonas Harper 波士顿大学 Basketball
    Elizabeth Laub Colgate Tennis
    Jake Lustig Cornell Golf
    Nathan Phelps Princeton Crew
    Noelle Ruschil Middlebury Softball
    Jackson Ryan WPI Basketball
    Thaise Sudano Kenyon Soccer
    Rebecca Taylor Nichols Hockey
    卡罗琳·汤普森 Wofford Soccer
    亚历山德拉Truwit Yale Swimming
    Andrew Varoli Sarah Lawrence Basketball

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2017

    娜塔莉·巴赫曼Bates CollegeSquash
    Joel Boyce科平州立大学Basketball
    Justin BrownMonmouthFootball
    Omar ForttUConnFootball
    Sydney LoweryBoston CollegeBasketball
    Kelly McKennaSmith CollegeSoccer
    Georgia Nelson布林莫尔学院Track & Field
    Seena Panagiotidis石溪大学Soccer
    Walter Whyte 波士顿大学Basketball
    Mark ForesePrincetonSwimming
    Nicholas LangeBucknellLacrosse

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2016

    Kat Adams麻省理工学院Crew
    Paige Ballard明德学院Squash
    BJ BuckleWagner CollegeFootball
    Kit Hamill华盛顿李大学Soccer
    Austin Howe美国天主教大学Football
    Laura HowellsBowdoin CollegeSquash
    Sophia LemmerBowdoin CollegeSoccer
    Noah Schott拉斐特学院Tennis

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2015

    Kyle AndersenWashington & Lee UniversityFootball
    Christian AritaColby CollegeSoccer
    Jerry Boggs索尔里贾纳大学Basketball
    Noah DanielRhodes CollegeLacrosse
    Kevin Florio史蒂文斯理工学院Basketball
    Andrew Langalis宾夕法尼亚大学Crew
    Phoebe LongBates CollegeCrew, Skiing
    Morgan MaceyCornell CollegeCrew
    Marissa Ruschil迪金森大学Softball

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2014

    Sean Cullinane格林奈尔学院Basketball
    Seeley Fancher斯基德莫尔大学Field Hockey
    Bobby ForeseColby CollegeBaseball
    Ami Lakoju加州大学圣巴巴拉分校Basketball
    Bryan Latorraca迪金森大学Football
    Hayley Parsons威廉姆斯学院Squash
    莫莉Pivirotto汉密尔顿学院Squash, Golf
    James Watson宾夕法尼亚大学Squash
    Robert Wood明德学院Football

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2013

    Allison克里斯托弗St. 劳伦斯大学Squash
    凯瑟琳·克里斯托弗St. 劳伦斯大学Squash
    Lillie Diomede迪金森大学Soccer
    Julia Fuller塔夫斯大学Sailing
    Myles Gaines阿默斯特学院Football
    Jake Hamill汉密尔顿学院Soccer
    Kathleen Kelly汉密尔顿学院Soccer
    Maxwell Macey克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院Tennis
    Graham Mink威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校Crew
    Robert Morris汉密尔顿学院Soccer
    Charles NelsonWashington & Lee UniversityFootball
    Noel Thomas康涅狄格大学Football

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2012

    Elinor Biddle弗吉尼亚大学Crew
    Ross Burnaman乔治华盛顿大学.Crew
    Adam Connolly南卫理公会大学Lacrosse
    Brett ConnorsSiena CollegeBaseball
    Gareth FancherFranklin & 马歇尔学院Baseball
    Thomas ForeseColby CollegeBaseball

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2011

    Jacob Archey巴克内尔大学Baseball
    JD Ballard 明德学院Squash
    Kevin Cross 斯基德莫尔大学Baseball
    Joshua Dugas伦斯勒理工学院Basketball
    John Forese 杜克大学Swimming
    罗伯特Galluccio 明德学院Squash
    Steven Johnston费尔菲尔德大学Basketball
    Henry Nelson Colby CollegeFootball
    凯瑟琳Pettee 维拉诺瓦大学Tennis
    Mac Pivirotto 汉密尔顿学院Squash, Golf
    Zaire Reiph 石城大学Football
    布兰登Yarborough 东康涅狄格州立大学Basketball
    Alexandra Young迪金森大学Soccer

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2010

    Kofi Agyapong哥伦比亚大学Soccer
    Charlotte Lyons佛蒙特大学Lacrosse
    Carla Nicasio威廉姆斯学院Soccer
    科林沙利文Bates CollegeFootball
    Cameron Wilson斯坦福大学Golf, Squash

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2009

    William Delano 科尔盖特大学Golf
    Brendan DeMondFranklin & 马歇尔学院Baseball
    Megan Douglass詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学Tennis
    Andrew HilboldtBowdoin CollegeSquash
    Molly ParsonsColby CollegeSquash
    William Prince 明德学院Golf
    Kelly Sullivan迈阿密大学Soccer
    Joseph Tedder伦斯勒理工学院Football

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2008

    康纳GandossySt. 路易斯大学Baseball
    Devin Hill德保罗大学Basketball
    Eliza Kontulis普林斯顿大学Squash
    Kelly Whipple丹尼森大学Field Hockey

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2007

    Alyssa HavensHendrix CollegeField Hockey
    William KellyTrinity CollegeCrew
    托马斯·麦多纳Penn StateGolf
    Colin MeanyRugby
    Victoria Perez耶鲁大学Basketball
    Jason SinclairElon UniversityBaseball

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2006

    麦克斯韦Brittenham Mt. St. Mary's College Baseball
    布列塔尼卡拉汉 霍巴特和威廉史密斯学院 Lacrosse
    Susan Garnett St. 劳伦斯大学 Soccer
    Nate Kelly Trinity College Crew
    芭芭拉·彭宁顿 拉斐特学院 Swimming
    Philip Samenuk 布朗大学 Football
    Christina Soave 圣心大学 Soccer
    Amy Towne 康涅狄格大学 Basketball
    Kitt Watson Wheaton College Lacrosse


  • Class of 2005

    Matt BrownElon UniversityBaseball
    Patrick Dowling圣十字学院 Lacrosse
    Sam HoughColby CollegeFootball
    克里斯汀种Roanoke CollegeField Hockey
    Ryan Shields佛蒙特大学 Basketball
    迈克尔Trimboli佛蒙特大学 Basketball
    Payton Watkins克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院Tennis
  • Class of 2004

    Meaghan Loftus LafayetteField Hockey
  • Class of 2003

    Bly BlystoneElon UniversityBaseball
  • Class of 2001

    Adam Bucci拉斐特学院Baseball
    Ryan BucciIona CollegeBaseball
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.