Honesty. Respect. Responsibility. Kindness. These tenets of the St. 卢克的荣誉守则在我们的校园车道上排列着,并装饰着学校入口处“善良广场”的四个支柱, 传达一个明确的信息:这是一所欢迎和尊重每个人的学校.

Welcome Message from St. Luke's Director of Equity & Inclusion Jacqueline Nelson


Vision for Inclusive Excellence

Because a goal without a plan is just a wish, St. 卢克制定了一个蓝图,以实现我们对包容性社区的愿景. The Vision for Inclusive Excellence (VIE) states that 包容和归属感是机构和教育卓越的核心 并培养一个学习环境,使学生和成人发展良好的平衡, confident leaders who can succeed in a diverse, globally integrated world. The VIE is a commitment. It’s how St. Luke’s will hold itself accountable for living our values.

In alignment with the VIE, St. Luke将我们的公平和包容工作重点放在三个支柱上: Community, Curriculum, and Culture. Each of these is described in fuller detail below.


我们庆祝我们每个人对这个社区做出的独特而多样的贡献. 帮助学生加深对种族差异的理解和欣赏, ethnicity, gender, ability, religion, sexual orientation, age, 和社会经济地位-是我们的公平和包容工作在圣. Luke's. 这是我们坚定的信念,努力实现这一目标,扩大视野,培养同情和尊重所有(见我们的相关 blog post). These attributes are hallmarks of great leaders and of great human beings.

丰富的多样性反映在不同的团队中,帮助实现愿景中概述的目标. Please visit this page or click on the boxes below to see our E&I Office.
Community Goals for Learning
为了促进我们的cgl,它包括好奇心,开放的思想,真理 & 理解,反思和诚信,学生练习具有挑战性的对话. Topics have ranged from religion and religious stereotypes, race and racism, gender representation and media, party politics and political discord, mental health and stigmas around mental illness, and preventing violence and self-harm.

Recent SLS Community Events

8th grader

多样性、公平、包容和归属感在我们的社区中都很重要. 因为给每个人一个平等的机会,确保他们在社区中得到和其他人一样的待遇是很重要的."


多样性提高了认知技能,加深了批判性思维. 它促进创造力,培养学生成为有效的公民. Equity and inclusion are fundamental to a student’s faith, trust, and ultimately, sense of safety within an institution. In a learning environment where differing points of view, experiences, and beliefs are welcome, students are able to grapple with complex human dynamics, a broad range of perspectives, hard histories, 以及拓展他们对世界的思考和理解的社会困境. When students feel safe, 他们更愿意承担学术风险,参与到更高的层次上.

Throughout every grade and discipline, opportunities abound for teachers and students to self-reflect, engage with a different point of view, and prepare to thrive in a diverse society.

Learn more: How Diversity Enhances Curriculum

11th grader

DEI work is essential to making St. 卢克的社区成员在山顶感到安全,并为学生做好全面的准备, understanding, empathetic humans for their life beyond St. Luke’s."


文化包括共同的价值观、传统、行为和信仰. To create an inclusive culture and foster a sense of belonging, 我们支持各种学生和成人亲和和联盟团体, multicultural spaces, 以及鼓励相互尊重的思想交流的社区活动, backgrounds, cultures, experiences, 和观点-请参阅下面的例子和我们的社区最近的贡献.

List of 1 frequently asked questions.

Featured Video: "Belonging" vs. "Fitting In"
几位中、高年级的学生分享了他们对“归属感”和“融入”之间区别的看法——一些受访者反映了他们自己在伦敦的经历. Luke's School community.

Frequently Asked Questions

At St. Luke’s we lean into conversations about identity to provide students with the opportunity to develop their moral compass with empathy and respect for others; enhance their leadership capacity; and encourage a sense of agency and belonging. As educators, 我们采用适合发展的做法,并考虑到孩子的背景知识和生活经验. 我们明白,社会和教育的成功依赖于发展积极的自我意识和指导,包括社会情感学习. Our goal is to prepare St. 卢克的毕业生在高度多样化和全球化的工作环境中茁壮成长,在这种环境中,对如何与不同团队互动和领导不同团队的复杂理解对他们的成功至关重要.

以下常见问题解答旨在解决常见问题,并为更多的对话打开大门. 如果您有任何问题或想了解更多信息,我们鼓励您在全年内与我们的公平与包容主任联系,因为我们支持我们的社区开展这项重要工作.

Key Terms & Definitions


List of 1 items.

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    1. Gender is the attitudes, feelings, 以及特定文化中与人的生理性别相关的行为. (APA性别通常是根据性和生殖解剖来确定的. 
    2. Gender identity 指某人认为自己是男性、女性或其他什么. 当一个人的性别认同和生理性别不一致时, the individual may identify along the transgender spectrum. (APA)
    3. Transgender 是一个包含性别认同差异的总称,其中一个人的生理性别与他们的性别认同不匹配. (APA) According to the American Psychological Association, “80%的跨性别成年人报告说,他们早在小学就知道自己‘与众不同’.”
    4. Bias 指表现出偏见的行为或语言(不是基于理性或实际经验的先入为主的意见),与另一个人或群体相比,支持或反对另一个人或群体.
    5. Bigotry 指顽固的或不合理的行为或评论,诋毁或冒犯他人, 偏见的(全部或部分地)由对另一个人持有的关于公民身份的有偏见的信念或意见所驱动的, disability, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.
    6. “BIPOC” 是“黑人、原住民、有色人种”的缩写吗.
    7. “Colorblind” 每个人都应该被“平等”对待,而不尊重社会吗, economic, historical, racial or other differences. No differences are seen or acknowledged; everyone's the same.
    8. Culture describes a shared set of practices and beliefs,(i.e. 我们做/不做的事情,我们做/不做的方式,以及原因.)
    9. Discrimination 指一个机构或个人基于社会身份(如性别)拒绝他人进入或获得机会的行为, religion, or racial identity). 这种行为的结果,而不是意图,是使用该术语的基础.
    10. Diversity describes the representation of different types of people (e.g. different races, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, ages, abilities, religious beliefs, worldviews, socioeconomic status etc.) in a group or organization.
    11. Dominant group/culture 指在社会中拥有最大权力、特权和社会地位的人. It may or may not be the majority of the population. 在美国,历史上占主导地位的群体一直是白人、基督徒、富裕的男性. 一个统治集团通过控制经济和政治制度来获得其地位, communications/media, education and health institutions, the arts, and business. The dominant culture 主导群体定义的生活方式是“正常”和正确的吗.
    12. Ethnicity 指基于共同遗产对群体成员的识别, often derived from where their ancestors lived.
    13. Melanin 指赋予人们不同肤色、眼睛和头发颜色的色素.
    14. People of Color (PoC) 是一个术语,用来统称那些在美国历史上和现在都是种族主义目标的群体-例如, African & 加勒比裔美国人,亚太裔美国人,拉丁裔美国人,土著 & Native Americans, and Middle Eastern & Arab Americans. 这个术语并不是要否认这一群体内部的显著差异.
    15. Prejudice is a preconceived judgment, attitude, opinion, or feeling formed without adequate information, prior knowledge, thought, or reason. 偏见可以是对任何个人或团体的预先判断.
    16. Race 这个术语是用来描述基于身体特征(如肤色)将人们分组的社会结构吗, hair texture etc. 科学界的共识是,这种分类没有生物学依据. Historically, 种族被用来建立人类的优劣等级,并成为法律歧视的理由, colonization, enslavement, and systemic oppression. 
    17. Racial identity 描述一个人如何自我认同或被他人和社会机构分类. 此外,它还包括一个人如何理解和感受自己的种族群体成员身份. 种族认同的发展是个人的终身过程,在这个过程中,个体逐渐理解和内化关于本种族群体的各种信息,并建立基于个人的自我意识, cultural, interpersonal, and institutional interactions.
    18. Racial literacy refers to a historical and sociological understanding of how race has been constructed and used to shape the world in which we live; the development of skills that enable us to function in an increasingly diverse society and constructively converse about race.
    19. Racism describes the inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. More widely, 贬低某一民族“典型的”性格或智力的各种特征(Oxford Reference); attitudes, actions, or practices of an institution, 在社会权力的支持下,创造了一个“基于种族的优势和劣势体系”.” (David Wellman) 
    20. Structural Inequality 与其他群体相比,一个社会群体是否存在系统性劣势, (有意识或无意识的)歧视行为根深蒂固,并通过制度得到强化, ideologies, representations, policies/laws, and practices. 当这种不平等与种族/民族歧视有关时,我们将其称为系统性或结构性种族主义.

Additional Questions?

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St. Luke’s School is a secular (non-religious), private school in New Canaan, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.